Saturday night’s bout between Teofimo Lopez and Vasiliy Lomachenko has all the makings of being a Fight of the Year candidate. Both fighters are skilled as boxers along with having the power and boxing IQ to break down their opponents.
Keys for Lomachenko
Keep the fight in the middle of the ring. Lomachenko’s footwork is frequently compared to Manny Pacquiao’s and with good reason. Both fighters use the athleticism to create unconventional angles that allow them to hit without being hit. It’s hard to find Lomachenko after he throws a combination and when you do find him, he’s launching another attack. Varying angles and mixing punches could be Lopez off-guard especially if Lopez is looking for one fight-changing punch. We saw this a lot with Floyd Mayweather opponents. They would look for a perfect opening that would never present itself so there would be a lot of standing, even though they were in the pocket. Lomachenko has used that to batter and bruise opponents especially the ones who would eventually quit on their stool.
Getting to Lopez’ body early on will be a goal of Lomachenko’s. Cutting down his opponents movement causes them to stand right in front of him to mix it up. That plays right into Lomachenko’s hands.
Keys for Lopez
We will find out early on if this stage is too big for Lopez. Despite there being no live gate, the butterflies and the nerves will be there because this is the first time he’s been on a stage like this. Lopez’ corner will play a major role early in the fight. They can help manage Lopez until he gets settled it?
After all the talk from Lopez and his father, the key early on is being patient in his attack. Using his footwork and boxing ability to “download data” about Lomachenko is a must. It would be a mistake to rush in and try to turn this fight into Hagler-Hears in the first two rounds. Just like Lomachenko, Lopez must look to get to the body early. Varying his attack in a must. If he becomes a one note fighter against Lomachenko, it’s curtains.
A lot of pundits talk about Lopez needs to time Lomachenko and that’s true. Lopez has power in both hands and he’s proven when he times his opponent, he can put them on the canvas. Just ask Richard Commey.
For me, the key to Lopez comes down to one thing. Will he be able to dictate the tenor of the fight? It’s what made Mayweather so great. In fights against Ricky Hatton, Canelo Alvarez, and Manny Pacquiao (just to name a few), he was in control of pace and distance. He dictated when he wanted to mix it up and when he didn’t. He did so while sitting in the pocket. That’s something he doesn’t get enough credit for.
Can Lopez do to Lomachenko what Mayweather did the Pacquiao for most their fight? If he controls the pace and the tenor of the fight, with his power he can give Lomachenko a lot of fits. And unlike Mayweather later in his career, Lopez is more than willing to use that power.
Lomachenko and Lopez looked relaxed and ready for the fight. Not having a live gate hurts Lopez more than Lomachenko. Lopez could use the energy of a crowd especially when he lands clean punching.
With that being said, it feels like it’s time. It’s time for Lopez to rise to the star we all know he can be. Lopez will be able to survive the first three or four rounds and get settled in. Once he does that, he’ll pick his shots and will put Lomachenko on the canvas.
As the fight goes on, Lopez will continue to pick up the pace and challenge Lomachenko and that will be the difference in the fight.
Lopez by stoppage in the 10th round.