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Dusty Harrison vs Juan De Angel
1st Round
Not much action in the first round. A lot of movement by both fighters.
De Angel somewhat landed a couple of decent punches.
De Angel 10-9
2nd Round
Harrison does just enough to win the round. It’s confusing why Harrison isn’t letting his hands go. De Angel is there to hit.
Harrison 10-9
Tie 19-19
3rd Round
Carbon copy of the second round. Harrison doing just enough to win rounds.
Harrison 10-9
Harrison 29-28
4th Round
De Angel performs a little bit better in the round. Using his movement to render Harrison stagnant.
Note: Harrison hit De Angel square in the back of the head. Most excitement we had all fight.
De Angel 10-9
Tie: 39-39
5th Round
Crowd starts screaming “Dusty” and it did cause both fighters to get more active for a few seconds.
Most two-way action of the fight.
That’s not saying much though.
Harrison 10-9
Harrison 49-48
6th Round
Harrison dominates the round.
He landed power punches throughout the round. De Angel wasn’t in danger of going down but he absorbed some big shots.
Harrison 10-9
Harrison 59-57
7th Round
Harrison is dominating around. He’s literally beating De Angel around the ring.
Harrison gets the knockdown!
Referee stops the fight.
Harrison wins by TKO – 2:30 of the 7th Round
Nathaniel Davis vs Rolando Vargas
Battle of young, undefeated fighters.
1st Round
Good first round. Davis’ punches are too wide when he isn’t going to the body.
Vargas 10-9
2nd Round
Vargas taking advantage of Davis’ wildness. He’s landing heavy shots to Davis’ head.
Davis’ lack of discipline could get him knocked out.
Vargas landing at will.
Referee stops the fight.
Vargas wins by TKO – 1:56 of the second round
Cassius Chaney vs Joel Caudle
1st Round
Chaney literally knocked Caudle out of the ring.
It didn’t last too long after that.
Referee stops the fight.
Chaney Wins TKO – 1:52 of the first round
Tyler Howard vs Jamall Davis
1st Round
There was a lot of give and take in the first round. Davis has 14 losses but he fought the first round like a man not here just to pick up a paycheck.
Howard looked like he got settled in near the end of the round, landing a couple of nasty crosses.
Howard 10-9
2nd Round
Once again, Davis starts off the round on fire. Sitting down on every punch. Working to the body.
As the round goes on, Howard assumes control of the pace and the action.
Stuns Davis with a left hook. Best punch of the fight.
Howard 10-9
Howard 20-18
3rd Round
This time Howard doesn’t let Davis get off to a fast start. He jumped all on Davis.
Howard is countering with the right over top every time.
Davis is in serious trouble. Howard is landing all power punches and Davis isn’t landing back. Worse… sometimes he’s not returning fire.
Davis’ corner is begging him to jab. Obvious sign of desperation.
Howard 10-9
Howard 30-27
4th Round
It really looked like Howard was taking this round off but Davis still didn’t do enough to win the round.
Howard 10-9
Howard 40-36
5th Round
Davis’ work rate has seriously decreased and that’s being nice.
Howard can turn this into a sparring session if he likes.
Howard 10-9
Howard 50-45
6th Round
Davis has landed some good shots to start the round but they’ve been one at a time.
Howard continues to throw in combinations and he mixed in some devastating body shots.
Howard 10-9
Howard 60-54
7th Round
Give Davis some credit. He’s absorbed some huge shots and he keeps coming.
Howard is landing the same counter left hook over the top, every time.
Every time it looks like Davis is going to get in trouble, he somehow responds.
Much respect.
Howard 10-9
Howard 70-63
8th Round
Howard closes the show. Pitches the shut out on our scorecard.
Howard 10-9
Howard 80-72
Official Scorecards: Howard wins on all scorecards 80-72 (2x), 78-73
Tyler McCreary vs Jessie Cris Rosales
McCreary (15-0-1) looks to bounce back from a draw in his last outing.
1st Round
McCreary came out looking like he thought this would be a feeling out round. Rosales thought different. Rosales was the aggressor and landed better punches to both the body and the head.
Rosales 10-9
2nd Round
Second round starts like the first. McCreary is on his heels and Rosales looks like the more confident fighter.
McCreary is pushing his jab. One punch at a time while Rosales is throwing in combinations.
And as I type that McCreary lands tow heavy handed hooks. Neither one backed Rosales up but it did send a message that McCreary is ready to sit on his punches a bit.
Tough round to score. Rosales won the first half of the round but one could argue McCreary won the second half of it.
McCreary 10-9
Tie 19-19
3rd Round
Rosales digging to the body inspired McCreary to throw a couple down there.
McCreary is also countering better this round. Fight is starting to settle into a boxer vs puncher fight.
Rosales lands a couple of hard ones upstairs and temporarily hurts McCreary a bit.
Still McCreary edges him out in the round.
McCreary 10-9
McCreary 29-28
4th Round
This is a round that will be scored by what style you like better. Both fighters landed very good punches both upstairs and downstairs.
Close round but Rosales might have won it by landing two hooks in the last 30 seconds.
Rosales 10-9
Tie 38-38
5th Round
Rosales controlled the pace of the round. He continues to land power shots and it looks like McCreary is slowing down some.
McCreary is standing in front of Rosales and not throwing enough jabs. Rosales uses that to take control of the round.
Rosales 10-9
Rosales 48-47
6th Round
Rosales carried the early part of the round but McCreary has responded. Slipping Rosales’ punches he’s finally landing some jabs and throwing combinations.
McCreary 10-9
Tie 57-57
7th Round
This was completely McCreary’s round. He controlled the pace and kept himself at a comfortable distance. He probably landed his best three-punch combination of the fight.
McCreary 10-9
Tie 67-66
8th Round
Interesting final round. Rosales is fighting it like he thinks it’s close. McCreary is fighting it like he thinks he’s well ahead.
Rosales wins the round in a landslide.
Rosales 10-9
Draw 76-76
Official Scorecard: 77-75 Rosales, 77-75 McCreary, 78-74 McCreary
McCreary wins by split decision
Esquiva Falcoa vs Jesus Gutierrez
Falcoa (23-0) was the 2012 Olympic silver medalist.
1st Round
Feeling out round. Started slow until Falcoa started to lead the action. Gutierrez didn’t do much besides follow Falcoa around the ring and get hit.
Falcoa 10-9
2nd Round
Gutierrez starts off the round more active but Falcoa is still getting the better part of the action early on.
Gutierrez responds as both fighters are going to the body quite a bit. Falcoa is still landing the cleaner punches.
Note: Couple of Falcoa’s punches have strayed low.
Falcoa 10-9
Falcoa 20-18
3rd Round
Gutierrez is backing up Falcoa a bit as both boxers continue to work the body. When Gutierrez punches, Falcoa definitely slows down and stops punching.
Another close round though as Falcoa picked it up in the second part of the round.
Gutierrez 10-9
Falcoa 29-28
4th Round
Falcoa comes out heavy handed to begin the round. Gutierrez has falled back into just following Falcoa around. Impressed how Falcoa has been effective with both hands.
This has been the most one-sided round of the fight.
Falcoa 10-9
Falcoa 39-37
5th Round
Some phone booth boxing in the 5th round. Both fighters landed but there’s just a different sound to Falcoa’s punches. He’s landing the harder, cleaner shots.
Falcoa 10-9
Falcoa 49-46
6th Round
Gutierrez lands a clean punch later in the round that seemed to stun Falcoa a bit. But, Falcoa picked it back up to end the round. Close round but Gutierrez gets the nod.
Gutierrez 10-9
Falcoa 58-56
7th Round
Don’t have punch stats but there’s been a record number of hooks thrown by both fighters. Not a lot of “jabbing” your way in.
Once again, Gutierrez landed the best punches of the round and gets another close one.
Gutierrez 10-9
Falcoa 67-66
8th Round
There are times when Gutierrez backs Falcoa up against the ropes and then he stops punching. Falcoa takes advantage every time.
Doctor taking a look at Gutierrez. Not sure what’s that about but Falcoa takes advantage and immediately floors Gutierrez.
And this has turned one-sided quick.
Referee stops the fight! Falcoa wins by TKO here in the 8th.